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Osteopathic Principles


1. The ability to heal is inherent within each of us.

This basic principle of healing can be observed in a countless situations in our life. A healing of a wound is an example of this process within us.

Inherent ability to heal applies to a various bodily conditions. Hormonal balance, homeostasis, body temperature and blood sugar level or blood volume and pressure are maintained by the body itself.

Maintenance of mechanical equilibrium is also an inherent ability which allows us to perform various tasks simultaneously. Adjusting the eye level according to our posture and our relationship to the gravity is an expression of that the law of self-preservation.

This inherent mechanism to heal will also be visible in case of injury. Dislocation of the sacroiliac joint will automatically initiate changes of the walking pattern. The purpose of this switch is to avoid pain. We start to use the same muscles in a different fashion. This is a self-correction mechanism helping to restore the balance.

Osteopath’s role is to help to express this healing force within. The role of the healer or/and osteopath is to assist or facilitate the healing process through the application of specific tools and techniques.


2. The function & structures are interdependent.

This principle is not a mere physical interdependence of structure and function. It rather applies to the intentionality of consciousness and penetrates all levels of awareness.

There will be no function without the form and the form on its own has no purpose. Nevertheless, the manifestation of the function through intent uses the form to fulfill its purpose. There lies interdependence of function and form.

e) The form (structure) of the heart cannot beat on its own. On its own it is just an empty vessel. But when the heart is filled up with a blood it becomes engaged with this substance and by the intent it is prompted to empty itself out. If there is no heart (form), the blood cannot flow because it needs a force of a pump to be pushed throughout the body.


3. The role of the artery is absolute

This principle relates to all fluids of the body: blood, lymph and cerebro-spinal fluid. Each and every portion of the body requires nutrients and oxygen. Those requirements are carried out by the arteries. If the arteries are blocked or obstructed the tissues start to deteriorate. Healing is not possible. The flow of water is the flow of life.

Each and every part of the body needs to empty of used metabolic waste products. This function is fulfilled by veins and the lymphatic system. Used body fluids are carried by the lymphatic vessels and veins and optimal lymph and deoxygenated blood return is of most importance to the healthy physiology of the body.

With the onset of trauma the homeostasis of the system is disturbed, the tissues contracts, twists and compresses and the flow of the fluid became obstructed contributing to the onset of disease. The role of osteopathic treatment is to restore and normalize fluid flow to the vital centers of the body.


4. The human body is a functional unit

The architecture of the human form is one of countless manifestation of consciousness but it is not the only functional unit in this universe. Human body is a unique form because humans are using two legs instead of four to move from place to place. Most of the mammals uses more efficient and healthy way of carrying their body and at the same time protect their spinal column.

From mechanistic point of view all parts of “human machine” are necessary for optimal functioning of the body. All systems are interconnected with each other. Muscular system in order to move the skeletal structure requires proper supply of nervous impulses as well as proper fuel which come through circulatory system. All of those systems need also some “glue” to be held together and this function is fulfilled by fascia. Optimal functioning of the body also requires cooperation from the digestive system as well as from the endocrine system.

Our health can be affected on many levels of life. We are bio-mechanical, bio- chemical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual beings. Our health can be affected on any of those levels. Physiological changes can affect physical performance. Emotional unresolved issue can drag the expression of our health down, and attitudes and beliefs can either hinder or promote our health.

The intricate connections of all the system of the body can be revealed with healing of the injury or recalibrating our relationship to the gravity while we work on improving posture pattern. There is multitude of causes and effects in the body. The aim of osteopathic treatment is to find the origin of the problem and address the interrelating issues.

  •  The knee pain can be caused by an increased tension of the abdominal or renal fascia
  •  Back pain can be caused by tension of the large colon due to severe constipation
  •  Headaches could be due to TMJ issues or spasm of the Trapezius muscles.
  • Neck pain could be due to lesion of the bones in the ankle or foot.



Health Spectrum 2012