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North York, Ontario
M3B 2P8
Tel.:        416 445-2200
Fax:         416 445-7811
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Our Vision

Here at Health Spectrum we believe that we are not only physical beings, but rather multidimensional beings. We exist simultaneously on the spectrum of reality. Those levels of realities are the following:

1. Physical – nonliving matter/energy (physics, chemistry)

2. Biological – living, sentient matter/energy (biology)

3. Psychological – mind, ego, logic, thinking (psychology, philosophy)

4. Subtle – archetypal, intuitive (saintly religion – higher experience)

5. Causal – formless radiance, perfect transcendence (sagely experience – transcendence)

6. Ultimate – consciousness as the source and nature of all other levels

Even though different dimensions – levels are hierarchic, this does not mean that they are radically separate or isolate. They are indeed different levels, but different levels of the same Consciousness. Those various levels are mutually interpenetrating one another.

Health Spectrum 2012